General conditions and terms of use

    Where is my meal plan?
    When will I receive my meal plan?
    I see products I’ve excluded.
    Raw or cooked ingredients?
    Where can I see the recipes?
    Does the meal plan disappear ?
    Is it a subscription?
    Is it allowed to eat fruit?
    What to drink?
    Will you send me recipes every week?
    My diet has too many calories!
    So what actually is the Keto Diet?
    How can I tell if I am in ketosis?
    What is a "Keto-Flu" ?
    What can I do about the "Keto-Flu"
    Are electrolytes important on Keto?
    I don't drink coconut/almond milk. What do I do?
    Can I have dairy on Keto?
    Do I need to exercise to get results?